Chemical cleaning is the most effective and less expensive method to clean process equipment and systems and achieve an efficient functionality.

GlobChem Service International performs chemical cleanings in every kind of industrial plants: Oil and Gas, Petrolchemical, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Aeronautic, Automotive, Power plants, etc..

GlobChem carries out Pre-operational chemical cleanings and Maintenance Chemical cleanings.


Pre-operational Chemical Cleanings are part of the start-up activities of industrial plants. This kind of operation allows to remove from systems any extraneous material residue of construction activities. Pre-operational chemical cleanings ensure a smooth and proper functionality of plants, during start-up and operation. Effective Chemical Cleanings extend plants’ life, avoiding future problems to equipment. Applied in combination with Steam Blowing on steam production plants, Chemical Cleanings ensure a smooth, quick and free-of-trouble start-up.


Post-operational or Maintenance Chemical Cleanings are part of the good maintenance practice in any kind of plants. It aims at restoring the design operating conditions, improving heat exchange rates,  removing the fouling,  reducing corrosion and  extending plants’ life.

The kind and the frequency of the Maintenance Chemical Cleaning can vary in accordance with systems’ parameters, requisites, operating history and must be confirmed by laboratory tests performed on the tubes taken from the most representative areas of the Boiler.

GlobChem performs thoroughly Boilers’ tubes testing and analyses.

Maintenance Chemical Cleanings are essentially of two kinds:

  • Water Side
  • Fire Side.


It aims to restore the design operating conditions, to improve heat exchange rates removing the fouling, to reduce corrosion and to extend plants’ life.

Some of the benefits are:

  • Safe for the installations
  • Minimum Down Time
  • Low Cost of Maintenanace
  • Environment Friendly


Fire Side Chemical Cleanings as well belong to the category of Maintenance Chemical Cleanings.

This kind of operation is of particular importance on the HRSG in IGCC plants. Fire side fouling causes an extremely corrosive and poisonous environment and produces major consequences to the performance of the units like :

  • Loss of Power Production
  • Reduced Heat Transfer Rates
  • Decreased Efficiency
  • Corrosion Failure of Tubes
  • Increased Combustion Chamber Pressure