Globchem Service International, thanks to its long-standing experience, offers other additional services like:
GlobChem Service International performs hydraulic tests of plants in accordance with the project’s technical requirements.
GlobChem supplies:
- Engineering
- Supervision
- Medium and high pressure pumps
- Auxiliary boilers
- Quick fastening hoses and valves.
GlobChem Service International provides qualified personnel during Commissioning, Start-Up and Operations in Power Stations, Refineries, Chemical and Extraction Plants.
We also perform tailor-made on-site training.
Globchem Service International supplies operating and process manuals and procedures to a wide range of industries.
GlobChem Service International rents equipment and materials for any kind of activity during start up and maintenance of industrial plants.
GlobChem can provide:
- Electric pumps of various flow and pressure rates for water and oil
- Auxiliary Boilers
- Temporary Tanks for water and waste of 50 m3, 250 m3, 500 m3 e 1000 m3
- Reinforced flanged hoses of various sizes
- Silencers and valves for steam and air blowing
- Portable R.O. Unit
- Filters Units
- Oil Flushing Units
- Qick opening valves
- Portable Lab
- Flow meter, Pitot tube, ecc., for flow rates measurement
- Corrosion meters and lab instrumentation
- Absorbers and Pneumatic Target Inserter
GlobChem Service International designs its operations in accordance to local legislation and available infrastructures.
The disposal methods used are:
- Evaporation
- Combustion
- Processing within the system
- Transport and disposal
All systems are carefully studied and evaluated to design the cheapest and most environment-friendly solution.